
Do you really want an AC-130 that will probably never finish?

Yes Please! I'll give you cookies!
Ok I guess
Not at all u idiot u suck crap!

Author Topic: AC-130 Mod! That needs modders and people to help now or I suck at everything!  (Read 16351 times)

Well I would like to thank tomcat^ for making a post about this in the suggestions and requests! So it would be a great thing if we could get permission to tweak the C-130 and and guns and stuff to it and make the deadliest aircraft ever. Now you're probably, thinking this guy is gonna script it and mod it right? Nop! I cant sadly. I'm taking "lessons" as you would call it. But I"m good at everything else on computers. So if people want to beta test it or help do it post and I'll add you to the list! Oh and if you get something done PM me and Ill host a private server and I'll send you the pass! The server will probably be called Warners AC-130 test or something. So lists will be here.

Beta List:
And that's it for beta testers.

Developing Team!

(Progress: 0%  Complete! Ya you heard me loving dam 0% Complete!!)








Prints or Decals:




And the limit is nothing for developers! I just didn't want to make a huge post. Yes I am.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 10:57:16 AM by warner »

so you basically stole Tom's topic and moved it into Mod Discussion?

Not really, I took nothing from his post except the AC-130 Idea. This whole post was my words. His was going no where.
So if you want to be a beta tester be my guest.

1. You cant make it since you can't code , nor model.
2. If you want an AC-130 get to MW2 and atleast TRY to get an 11 killstreak.
3. No. I do not want a badmin 'shootzin dah DM' with an AC-130.

1. You cant make it since you can't code , nor model.
2. If you want an AC-130 get to MW2 and atleast TRY to get an 11 killstreak.
3. No. I do not want a badmin 'shootzin dah DM' with an AC-130.
I hate MW2 I liked the first day I got it then it was crap.
Also I don't care if you don't want it tomcat^ did

I could beta test,or maybe i can model. Don't put me n the list for modeling yet,But You can still put me on the beta list.

Ok But if you want to model you'll get to beta test anyway.Developers get to beta test of course and curios come on to my private server today okay go on to irc chat on blockland and ill talk to you there about my server pass and stuff okay?

I could beta test. I would love to.

thanks for posting, and we would really love to get help on this project, and a huge honor it would be if we could get help from some major league modeling and scripting (startofortress, phydeoux, ect.) but i doubt it.

Thank you tomcat you are one of my heros :D  Yes I aggre I doubt it but maybe if I ask him with my sad face  :panda:

007 The names Penguin James Penguin

The only person that has modeling/scripting expirience i actually know and have talked to is Tezuni, but i doubt he'll help us, he hasent been online in a while.

so i guess, for now we what until bigger players see this topic and decide they wanna take part on this.

Edit: I found a quote that might help us :D

Stratofortress's Mass Release*
Feel free to fix it up but this remains to be a resource not an add-on

The C-130 came from here so we can tweak it, we dont have to ask permission
« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 03:37:32 PM by tomcat^ »

Nice find but we should get his help!

What, so basically.
Your going to take Starto's C-130.
Edit it a bit with absolutely no knowledge of scripting or modeling.
And then claim it as your own and rename it AC-130.

Add-On Test: Failure.