Author Topic: Religion, Justin Bieber, Macs, PCs/Xboxs, Republicans and anyone with an opinion  (Read 7664 times)

First thing Sirrus said is

"Most Atheists are Haters"

And this thread is all about hate soooo

Sirrus is a Atheist

Most Atheists are Haters but not all Haters are Atheists

Sirrus is a Atheist
I swear, it's like people don't read my posts at all

So Sirrus is an atheist?

-mac mouse-
Try to right click = accidentally open all windows.

Try to right click = accidentally open all windows.
Actually, with the new mice you have to click directly on the scroll ball to open all the windows.

i'm sorry, but I think most people will be coordinated enough to press the right side of the mouse rather than the ball in the center.

just me, I guess.

i'm sorry, but I think most people will be coordinated enough to press the right side of the mouse rather than the ball in the center.

just me, I guess.
mac is the type to make one button for the entire thing

mac is the type to make one button for the entire thing

Macs still are horrible in my opinion. I don't care if they can right click or not, they are a bitch to upgrade, cost way more than they need to, and not that many games are supported on it. I don't care if most of them are so called "fast", many PCs could go faster than that. I actually went on a mac laptop to just search the web once, and it was slower than my 1998 windows computer. I don't care if it is so called "immune" to web viruses, you can totally avoid viruses on a PC by getting the right software, internet browser, and using common sense. I don't care if PCs have more of a potential to crash, you can prevent this by disk cleanup, defragmentation, and getting programs like CCleaner to clean up loose files clogging up your computer. Sorry, I just read a post on another site in which some handicapped Mac user started saying Macs were better only because they don't crash that often. But in my opinon, PCs are better for the majority of computer users.

You all make jokes about how gabe is fat as you sit in your small house because you made a poor career choice, and he sits in his mansion with 2 maids, each dressed up as Alyx and Zoey.

Atheists are only haters because everyone thinks you have to be religious.

Macs are fine, get over it. PCs are fine, get over it.

Pop and Metal are both great, and many artists from each steal ideas from the other.

You kids and thinking you are right, when you are really all loving idiots who think their opinions are valid in any circumstance.

And yes, my opinion is valid; due to the fact that I am the new Messiah.

You all make jokes about how gabe is fat as you sit in your small house because you made a poor career choice, and he sits in his mansion with 2 maids, each dressed up as Alyx and Zoey.
But I am not fat :D