Author Topic: Elevators v1.1  (Read 155810 times)

Onelevatorarive only works for the brick that you are sending the elevator to.
HUH describe how I can make the music stop when the elevator arrives at a floor.

HUH describe how I can make the music stop when the elevator arrives at a floor.



And which brick do I apply that too?

And which brick do I apply that too?
Whichever brick the elevator was sent to.

we need non glass elevators please

we need non glass elevators please
No,how will you tell elevator from brick?
You dumbass.

No,how will you tell elevator from brick?
You dumbass.
You don't, and thats the point.
You dumbass.

Why does this elevator go through interior objects? Idiots on my server keep using it to get out of the map.

No, it's elevator love.


OnTopic: It's a bit late, but I needed to re-dl these as I whiped my Blockland and addons prior to posting this, but I would also like to say that I loving love this addon.

No,how will you tell elevator from brick?
You dumbass.
well maybe if it was a certin size? and possibly make a real elevator brick that has interior of sorts or just make it a vehicle? hm? up arrow = up down arrow= down? moron

Whichever brick the elevator was sent to.
Does not work.

I still wish kalp was smarter than to use fricken glass texture...