Author Topic: Ghost Brick Windows Error? WHAT?  (Read 2140 times)

So I was playing Blockland, having fun and stuff, when suddenly my ghost bricks wouldn't show up. I tried every trick I knew, including the one with the bell pepper and the tightrope! But no matter what I tried, I just couldn't get my ghost bricks to appear. So I did what anyone would do at that point, I tried disconnecting my server and restarting it so everything would fix itself. But surprisingly, the moment I pressed disconnect, I get this:

It's some odd error having to do something with bricks in the game, or something. From what I've gained, it's a diabolical time traveling Blockland error from the year 2015! One that is so twisted, that it has sacrificed all of it's time and energy towards irritating every player in Blockland who owns a bad graphics card! D:

Anyway, yeah, it's a really odd error. I'm not sure whether I should be concerned about this or not. I don't think that the error is going to cause any long term problems for me, but I do however believe that this isn't the last I will see of this error.

Feel free to ask questions or give input.

Just wait until V16

Quote from: Badspot
Assert: fxDTSBrick::onRemove -still in renderNode! - fixed for v16

Crap, can't modify.
It's nothing to worry about. If a ghost brick does not appear while you're building, just restart Blockland, and it comes back most of the time.

Crap, can't modify.
It's nothing to worry about. If a ghost brick does not appear while you're building, just restart Blockland, and it comes back most of the time.

Alright, thanks.

I have a similar problem.  If i don't paint the brick an FX or Undulo some sides don't appear. Do you know how to fix this?

P.S., Lock the topic.

REdownload the game. Fairly easy. It keeps all your old add-ons too. Usually fixes problems that have something to do with ghosting problems. hope this helps. No seriously, read this.

it's not the last that you will see of that error, but it's not very often you will see it. i usually just change the map or something like that and it comes back. i have a fairly good computer with a good graphics card and it happens to me anyway, but it's not permanent and it never lasts if you restart bl

Lol sometimes if you dup a brick when your ghost brick dissapears it comes back :3