Author Topic: Zenloth's Unfinished/WIP build dump. [Becoming IMG Heavy]  (Read 1796 times)

Hey guys; first gallery topic :o
I've been around for a while... and never really finished any of my builds, so I decided to put a topic together of all my unfinished builds. I will update this as I find my better saves and post pics here.

Sci Fi Thing

Not quite sure what this was going to be... Never got around to finishing it, I was originally going to use it as an ARES app.

CityBuid: Subway

A simple subway system using varlinks to transport between areas of towns. Quite a nice pretty build.

Old Space Station

Those of you who frequented my old server "Zenloth's freebuild in space" would have seen this as the centrepiece of the server for quite a time. Discontinued production on this around a year ago.

Old Police Station

One of my first "good" builds, although now I look at it and think it is horrible, it is quite possibly the build which I have achieved nearest to completion with (only interior not done!)

More to come

I have another 3 or 4 more recent builds which I will probably dump here...

Please post oppinions, suggestions etc... If you wish to rate x/10 you may (I don't see why you would though). Please note that any labled "old:" I consider quite below my current building ability/over 1 year old. Any I have labled "city buid:" are often built to be function and compact to fit a certain size lot. Any labeled "collab:" are collaboration builds with helpers.


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27th June - Added Sci-Fi Thing, Old Space Station and Old Police Station, City build: Subway
« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 08:15:22 PM by zenloth »

Nice bro.

Very nice, Those builds are loving lovey.

I like the Sci Fi Thing best.


I'm the third to agree. The sci-fi build looks incredible (those pillars in particular).

Added CityBuild:Subway.

Fourth to concur that the un-named Sci-Fi build is impressive. I think you should finish it and call it an energy creator/converter. You'll get into ARES that way no doubt.

Isn't that old police station the lego police station?

Anyways, good builds.

Isn't that old police station the lego police station?
It was based off it, yes.