Author Topic: CS file editing  (Read 781 times)

I fail in the server.cs

I cant seem to be able to open it in notepad. It just opens as a cs file wich I can't edit.
If I copy paste it into notepad , I can't save in a Zip file. It tries to overwrite the zip file.
Right mouse button > open with suddely disappeared...


I fail in the server.cs

I cant seem to be able to open it in notepad. It just opens as a cs file wich I can't edit.
If I copy paste it into notepad , I can't save in a Zip file. It tries to overwrite the zip file.
Right mouse button > open with suddely disappeared...


So you want to know how to open it? Well you right click, click open with, then find notepad if its not there click browse. If your trying to save something in a zip file you cant you have to paste it in the zip file like this.
you have to save it to desktop copy then paste it to the zip file then select copy and replace. Thats what I do.

I fail in the server.cs

I cant seem to be able to open it in notepad. It just opens as a cs file wich I can't edit.
If I copy paste it into notepad , I can't save in a Zip file. It tries to overwrite the zip file.
Right mouse button > open with suddely disappeared...


Simple solution:
Dont edit stuff directly in the zip file.

if your making your own mod - create a folder and put your files in there.  Then you can edit cs files with whatever you want.
When your mod is done - then make a zip file and test it.

if your editing another mod, just extract the zip file into its own folder and change things there.

I prefer editing cs files with crimson editor. Just because you can save it as a cs file.

I prefer editing cs files with crimson editor. Just because you can save it as a cs file.

You can do that in Notepad to :D

When saving in notepad if you want a .cs file name it
Done here.
And look at default stuff or other mods.
To open it double click it and say open with notepad.
And hi TheArmyGuy it is Hydraulic :D