Author Topic: What is your MELEE Medieval Weapon of choice?  (Read 16660 times)

Not a halberd, Not an axe blade, more of a sword blade at the end.

Not a halberd, Not an axe blade, more of a sword blade at the end.
Page 11 get

Not a halberd, Not an axe blade, more of a sword blade at the end.
Are you thinking of a partisan perhaps? Like this:

Dual Shortsword with a bony grip and serrated undersidehttp Two of these swords

Composite longbow ftw

I changed my mind, A rubber chicken.

Also tomahawks suck :C
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 06:00:16 AM by Sharp_Shooter »

A medieval chainsaw-flail.

Tell me how do you pick this up?

A war lance... Bring it da forget on!

The Katar.
How in the name of crispy corn flakes do you hold that?

How in the name of crispy corn flakes do you hold that?

Anything light enough for me to lift, and that's not alot.