Author Topic: Mountpoints on a vehicle  (Read 608 times)

im making a vehicle, and i need to know what the mountpoints are, like where the player goes, and where the wheels would be.
also, are there any points on the wheel itself?\

mount0, mount1...
hub0, hub1, hub2...

mount0, mount1...
hub0, hub1, hub2...
ok, thanks
and also, do i paint the entire vehicle a blank texture? or do i leave it as is?
and for the parts i dont want to be colored, what do i do for that part to?

ok, thanks
and also, do i paint the entire vehicle a blank texture? or do i leave it as is?
and for the parts i dont want to be colored, what do i do for that part to?
Off-topic:Why would you model a  vehicle if you do not know what mount point's are?On-topic:You can if you want to?
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 07:50:41 PM by spartan101 »

Off-topic:Why would you model a  vehicle if you do not mount point's are?On-topic:You can if you want to?

off-topic: inb4grammarfail

on-topic: i got nothin

Off-topic:Why would you model a  vehicle if you do not mount point's are?On-topic:You can if you want to?

off-topic: inb4grammarfail

on-topic: i got nothin
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