
Good Topic?

Theres the same topic
Its fine

Author Topic: Fireworks  (Read 2565 times)

I know theres another one.

Ok Post your pics of your fireworks here.
Ones you see in the sky or ones that are store bought.

Sorry I cant get the pics in right now sucks trying to perquirements 512 KB.
Il try to get them in soon.

Thats 2 seperate pics.

Let's make some on Garrys mod.

I live in Colorado so any firework that shoots up in the air (ie. Bottle rockets, Roman Candels, etc.) is illegal.  :panda:
So I would like to take this chance to personally thank Wyoming (where these sorts of fireworks are legal) for being so close to home.  :cookieMonster:

at my local park they was shooting off fireworks and some of the fireworks went off near the the ground and sparked some of the other ones and KA-BOOMMMM

My fireworks, were amazing.
But they had to cut out the parade to make it awesome.

lol someone is setting them off down the street and it's freakin' my cat out.
I think it's illegal here but cops don't give a damn as long as you clean up after yourself.



and it's freakin' my cat out.


On Topic: Nice firework pictures. Too bad you can't do them openly in my state.