Author Topic: Brick Server.cs  (Read 478 times)

Can someone post the server.cs I would use for a brick? If it's different for different bricks, tell me how to figure out what to type.

If a guide already exists, please post a link.

Code: [Select]
datablock fxDTSBrickData (brick64xCubeData)
 // General format is brick/platexxxxData)

brickFile = "./64x Cube.blb";
 // Relative location to file.  Start with ./ then the file name.
category = "Baseplates";
 // Category in the selection menu
subCategory = "Cube";
 //Subcategory (2x, Cube, etc etc)
uiName = "64x Cube";
 //What it appears as in the UI.  2x2, 64x Cube, etc
iconName = "Add-Ons/Brick_Large_Cubes/64x Cube";
 //Path to brick icon.  Should be a .png and 96px

This comes from the "Brick_large_cubes" add-on that comes from the game, with comments.
server.cs usually only contains stuff like this, but water bricks do contain an additional script.  You should rarely need to do anything but define the datablock, create brick icons, and create the .blb

Thank you kind sir.