Author Topic: GTFO ALL OF YOU handicaps loving NOW!!!!!  (Read 82116 times)

I just spent 30 minutes of my life using the bathroom when I saw he was banned.

What, Did you like, stuff bricks for 30 minutes?

What, Did you like, stuff bricks for 30 minutes?
  _              _

All(almost) of you guys are starfishs. He stopped screaming, and calmed down. Of course, everyone continued to mock him, and at this point he was even taking these insults calmly, and making light jokes of them. And now we have at least 15 pages of mindless jabber about the perceived idiocy of this person, even after he has been long banned.

What, Did you like, stuff bricks for 30 minutes?
No. I pee'd a ocean.

Quote from: Semi-Sig of OP
Hi all, i calmed down, please dont have a go at me
Temper Tantrum.

That's pure rage for you. I expected this from Daniel.  :cookieMonster:

I look at this topic for lols.

It's over. Shut the forget up and let the topic die.

It's over. Shut the forget up and let the topic die.

Why is this still alive?