Author Topic: BC Development  (Read 115615 times)

I'm sure there's better uses of your time than reinventing the wheel, Kalphiter.

I'm sure there's better uses of your time than reinventing the wheel, Kalphiter.
I'm perfecting it.

If you guys want to complain about this, go to drama, not the development topic.

I'm perfecting it.

If you guys want to complain about this, go to drama, not the development topic.
We're in drama...?

I'm perfecting it.

If you guys want to complain about this, go to drama, not the development topic.

This is drama.

The wheel's the wheel man, if it works then it'll do, it really doesn't seem worth the effort for a few flashy features when the substance already exists in perfect working order.


This is drama.
There's another drama thread for your convenience.

There's another drama thread for your convenience.
You have yet to provide us with your hard drives to properly acquit you. Discussion stays here.

I'm sure there's better uses of your time than reinventing the wheel, Kalphiter.
This was said 50 pages ago.

I'm perfecting it.
I have never seen the word perfecting used to mean "replicating existing software without any innovation" but I will consider the validity of your alternate definition.

Nope, I'm still pretty sure you meant to say "duplicating."

If you guys want to complain about this, go to drama, not the development topic.
Excuse me, he is providing valuable critical commentary and suggestions on the project and there is no better place for this than the development thread. You could try actually listening to the community and adding features people are interested in, or continue to ignore and insult it, it's your choice as a developer doing the work for fun on their free time. You are obviously under no obligation to read the comments in this thread or even to produce a working product people would actually want to use, although I think it might be in your interest if you did.

adding features people are interested in,
What features? No one gave me any features.

What features? No one gave me any features.

I must say, you're kinda thick.

What features? No one gave me any features.
We wanted a gallery. I would dig up the quotes, but too much work.