Author Topic: RPG sandbox-style games  (Read 4202 times)

I'm trying to find one that is free, doesn't matter about graphics as long as it's 3D.
Similar to Oblivion if possible.

No stupid runescape crap or spam please.

I would say Garrysmod but I know that's not the answer you are looking for.
I would also say Blockland.
Dare I mention Roblox?
Fallout 3?

Tom Gunn sucks at reading.

It's hard to find anything like Oblivion free, at least offline, but if you can pay for it Fallout 3 is good.

I would say Incredibots, but it's 2D.

Runescape is good you douche.

Runescape is good you douche.
haven and hearth is better
by far

haven and hearth is better
by far
In my opinion it sucks

Ontopic: Age of time is sorta like Oblivion.

I think you're asking for way too much.

If people would drop the "free" in all their request topics, this things would be much, much easier.