Author Topic: What Version was it When I Started?  (Read 7151 times)

End of v10. When I bought the game, it updated about two weeks later.

To: bltails
Subject: Blockland Activation Key
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 04:39:59 -0600

Thanks for purchasing Blockland!

Activation Key:  grbbacon
Download :   Blockland 1.0

I got the demo around the late v8 days but joined the first few early days of v9 then joined the fourms in v14.

Demo in early V8, full in the middle of V8, forums in V11-12 I believe.

i got 2 ply dooring alpa....11..

I actually first played during v0002, dropped out, picked up at the RtB 1.045 mod, dropped out again, played during v7, dropped out again, then bought my second ID during V11. :D

You know, telling people your key is a extremely bad idea.

Bought the game in V10 Playing since V8.

Did he really just do that!? :O

Bought at v8 about 3 weeks later updated to v9

Wtf is wrong with you?

Have fun getting your key stolen dude.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2010, 09:01:14 PM by Evar678 »



and the key radiation posted isn't a real key.

I joined in the end of v9,but had demo ever since Retail came out,but I was also playing v0002.Note I never joined any servers back then because I had a major Internet problem that my family could not fix -_- but then it was fixed by the time retail came out :D but I couldnt buy it untill the end of v9 D: and thats how I was left with BLID 11837.

towards the end of V8 and into V9.
i had demo for a long time

My BL_ID is 2107.
When did I join?  :cookieMonster:

My ID is 11994. I joined around v8, and got full in late v9.
page 5 claim. :/

I joined forums about a week after v15 released.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 02:09:35 AM by Bomb Kirby »