Author Topic: Brink  (Read 1339 times)

Brink is an FPS by Splash Damage, a subdivision of Bethesda.

Interesting Parts:
  • Up to 8 player co-op through story mode
  • Very detailed character customization
  • Very detailed gun customization
  • S.M.A.R.T. Movement - Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain (Freerunning-like)
  • Up to 6 different possible missions at a time

Detailed Information - Wikipedia
Delayed twice, due to release Spring 2011

Any thoughts about the game?  Would you buy it?
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 03:11:07 AM by _Rave_ »

Did galaxion tell you bout this?

Looks awsome. Yay VAC!

Edit: I want to be the huge guy.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 03:29:00 AM by MasterBlockMan »

for a reason i feel is going to end up like another borderlands

So it's like a FPS shooter-parkour-badass game?
Looks great, I'm sold.

Assassins creed ftw.
Because if you can climb over a building or jump over walls it's assassins creed.

looking forward to it.

I haven't looked at it for 6 months probably.

It looked pretty bad and uninteresting.