Author Topic: How to Avoid Zombies  (Read 12502 times)

I'm immune... also my name is louis

Hammer the zombie spawn if its yours or if it's a persons you have full trust with.

Hammer the zombie spawn if its yours or if it's a persons you have full trust with.

... Or theres always the d-wand and now you don't even have to get anywhere near those smelly zombies!
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 03:06:24 AM by Joekirk »

Whatever happened to guides to protect peeps from ZAPT/Rotondos Zombies?
But i guess this one is just a joke.
Wrong section?

I'm immune... also my name is louis
Are you black?  Cuz all black people are immune. 

Contrary to popular belief, zombies do not actually eat brains. They bite to spread the virus to others
Also, zombies do not need to eat to survive

Image is going to be stolen.

i just love how the guy in the pic got bitten on the side of the head, not on the arms but on the side of the head...

I hope not!
if its with a hooker zombie there's a high chance of getting herpes and the rabies or green flu

if its with a hooker zombie there's a high chance of getting herpes and the rabies or green flu
or to become a zombie...

I have zombie repellant.
I have a spas 12, a uumm Ak74(yes those are real),M16,and mah Teddy bear..oh and mister bonk:D.....okeh i really would just run and spray ZOMBEEGONE