Author Topic: Blackhole Tutorial.  (Read 1571 times)

Hello, this is a topic on how to make a black hole.

First, make something that looks like this:

Ok do you see the black brick up there? Name it anything you want. That brick will be the blackhole.

Now the white 16x16 baseplate, go to it and do:

OnPlayerTouch > NamedBrick > fireRelay

Ok, now  for the black hole. Wrench the black hole brick and click: Events.

Now just follow these events below:

OnRelay > Self > fireRelay

OnRelay > Self > radiusImpulse > [16] [-255] [1]

OnPlayerTouch > Player > Kill

OnPlayerTouch > Self > cancelEvents

Now when you copy those events, when you touch the white 16x16 baseplate the black brick will suck you up.

Hope this helped :3

In CityRPs, replace the 16 with a 99.

A better way to do it is to use printCountUnderflows, as they can affect more than one person outside a minigame.

0   onPlayerTouch > Self > DecrementPrintCount > 9
0   onPlayerTouch > Self > DecrementPrintCount > 1
0   onPrintCountUnderflow > Self >RadiusImpulse > 100 -5000 100
100   onPrintCountUnderflow > Self > DecrementPrintCount > 9
100   onPrintCountUnderflow > Self > DecrementPrintCount > 1

Edit: With underflows, make sure you provide a delay. 100 is usually good.

Picture of it finished please.

Picture of it finished please.

I don't know how to screenshot with events category up.

Edit: Some people told me to use prtscreen.

A better way to do it is to use printCountUnderflows, as they can affect more than one person outside a minigame.

0   onPlayerTouch > Self > DecrementPrintCount > 9
0   onPlayerTouch > Self > DecrementPrintCount > 1
0   onPrintCountUnderflow > Self >RadiusImpulse > 100 -5000 100
100   onPrintCountUnderflow > Self > DecrementPrintCount > 9
100   onPrintCountUnderflow > Self > DecrementPrintCount > 1

Edit: With underflows, make sure you provide a delay. 100 is usually good.
Doublepost: Hmm, that's interesting, thanks.

What does Radius Impulse do?

I don't know how to screenshot with events category up.

Edit: Some people told me to use prtscreen.
Use prnt scrn then go into Paint, press paste. after, just crop the picture

And, what does Radius Impulse do?
I don't know. What's funny though is that I can use it.

Use prnt scrn then go into Paint, press paste. after, just crop the picture
Paste = Ctrl + V, right?

Phflack goes an extra step:

onRelay/printCountUnderflow > Self > SpawnProjectile > 0 0 0 GunBullet 1 1 1 2.0

This is what happens: