Author Topic: I got banned from IRC for no reason  (Read 688 times)

so I was playing BL and went on IRC and looked and I was disconnected,
I tried to join and it said it couldn't 'cause my nick was in use, it wasn't my twin so it must have been someone impersonating me. So I came back later and it said I was banned. Then it kept switching from saying I got banned and my nick is in use to just my nick is in use when I tried to connect. Is there anything I can do?

for no raisin
yeah I didn't give Ephialtes his raisins so he banned

yeah I didn't give Ephialtes his raisins so he banned

any help or theories?

if he see's this topic...
It might have been Blockbot

BlockBot is programmed by Ephialtes. (not sure)
You should PM him to unban you.