Author Topic: Re:Loopyla1  (Read 13129 times)

Also, in approximatly 2 hours, we have doubled the size of a almost day-old topic.

Robo just made this 4 hours ago.

Robo just made this 4 hours ago.

My Chronometer is off. By a few days.

What is THIS happy horse stuff doing here, next to my quote.

What is THIS happy horse stuff doing here, next to my quote.
You have to look closer.

It tells a tale of a young brocoli, whose chronometer also broke, and wasted away his days on a long roadtrip to nowhere.

Thats Chrono's Avatar.

Chronometer. Measuring Device Of Time. not Chrono.

You have to look closer.

It tells a tale of a young brocoli, whose chronometer also broke, and wasted away his days on a long roadtrip to nowhere.

I will eat that broccoli's head. And then your avatar's.

Chronometer. Measuring Device Of Time. not Chrono.
But Chrono is his name. :o

But Chrono is his name. :o
Ohai Mage!

And yes it is.

I will eat that broccoli's head. And then your avatar's.
But thats my brother!!!

Oh, Wait... Is that Magik? Oh My, I've been eager to resume our philosophical debate, call me sometime, we can schedule it during a moment of great mental duress!
Ohai Mage!

Shut up, you have a puppy in your signature.

Well, i'm off for the night.