Author Topic: Re:Loopyla1  (Read 13996 times)

I understand his knowledge of his actions. His demeanor makes it clear he knows of it, and chooses to feign ignorance.
Those are big words for you.

because if I say people who spam and flame a persons clan topic are friends, that instantly makes me a troll

because if I say people who spam and flame a persons clan topic are friends, that instantly makes me a troll
You called "the whole lot" of us friends.

because if I say people who spam and flame a persons clan topic are friends, that instantly makes me a troll
No, trolling frequently and then flaming others for doing it makes you a hypocrite.

-Edited Quote-

Yea, i don't want to turn this topic into an argument over "Whos the troll". I Would like you to specify exactly what you found trollish though.

By giving an opinion?

You added unnesecary and illogical insults sherely to anger others.
Those are big words for you.

I think you will find that my vernacular is quite expansive.

because if I say people who spam and flame a persons clan topic are friends, that instantly makes me a troll
I might be missing something, but.... I don't believe that everyone here was flaming or spamming.

Ok what the hell.

Sorry Loopy, Should have seen this coming.

I was just doin that for stuffs and giggles.

Then Eddie had to mesh in and forget it up.

You called "the whole lot" of us friends.
No, trolling frequently and then flaming others for doing it makes you a hypocrite.

Thank. You.

I was just doin that for stuffs and giggles.

Then Eddie had to mesh in and forget it up.

This has gotten a bit out of hand.

Honestly people, what the forget are you arguing about?

Hey, i'm in that circle >:(

No, trolling frequently

Mmm. Nope, I don't troll.
A troll, most commonly encountered on the internet, is any person who purposely causes controversy in a web community

Mmm nope. I don't purposely cause controversy. But I do post my opinion.