Author Topic: Re:Loopyla1  (Read 13997 times)

No you're just flat out handicap if you ask me.

I was just doin that for stuffs and giggles.

Then Eddie had to mesh in and forget it up.
Why is this suddenly turning on me?

Mmm. Nope, I don't troll.
I don troll, i post my opinion. your just hating me for my opinion against you.

Honestly people, what the forget are you arguing about?
I wonder...
friends, the whole lot of you.

Hey, i'm in that circle >:(
I'm suprised i'm not. I have reffered to several badmins as "A.R.C. Esque" In the past. Not to mention pissing off every badmin in the 47 countrys that blockland is played in.

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Mmm. Nope, I don't troll

Let's ask the community that, shall we?

I do! :D
Usually only towards people who need a little trolling.
Why is this suddenly turning on me?
Beacuse You're most likely a person with a good deal of common sense.

A.R.C. does things that piss people off frequently. The only reasons I can think of is either that he's basically a mean person, or he's just trolling.

Beacuse You're most likely a person with a good deal of common sense.
Makes sense to me.

I don*t* troll, i post my opinion. your just hating me for my opinion against you.

Well, Yes. By The troll's definition of trolling, opposing the troll is trolling.
p.s: Grammar national socialist Strikes AGAIN!

A.R.C. does things that piss people off frequently. The only reasons I can think of is either that he's basically a mean person, or he's just trolling.

Are those not synonymous?

Makes sense to me.

Yup. somehow i'm not in that circle though. Wonder why.

No you're just flat out handicap if you ask me.
I was saying that I troll sometimes.

I was saying that I troll sometimes.
Yes, As do most of us. But usually, You only do it towards people who SHOULD be trolled. The same is true of most of us posting Rn.

I'm suprised You had nothing to do with the hijacking of the OP's clanthread. Why would you?
.I have reffered to several badmins as "A.R.C. Esque" In the past I've never met you ingame, nor have you ever seen or heard of my server.

Let's ask the community that, shall we? If you ask a group of 10 people who think the sky is red, when it is really blue, what color the sky is they will tell you it is red. This does not mean it is true
Beacuse You're most likely a person with a good deal of common sense. no

Mean person: generally is hostile, not on purpose
Troll: A richardhead for laughs

Mean person: generally is hostile, not on purpose
Troll: A richardhead for laughs

Being nasty to people because somehow, it's funny
...i think it is :c