Author Topic: A good RP gamemode and how to host an RP?  (Read 882 times)

Not a family RP.

Need this for a friend who wants an RP but cant host.

Any ideas?

Do NOT make:

I don't know what you shoudl make then.
Try something original.

Do NOT make:

I don't know what you shoudl make then.
Try something original.

My friend says he wanted a city RP.

Help plz.

Dont know how to make.

Use rp_chat.

(ifadmin)Always be sure that when your roleplaying also look around for richardheads ruining things and stuff

Use rp_chat.

(ifadmin)Always be sure that when your roleplaying also look around for richardheads ruining things and stuff

Kay. Need help building a map. If anyone can help or give a pre-made one, I'll credit.

Do NOT make:

I don't know what you shoudl make then.
Try something original.
And why not?

I like Space RPs with no mods. If everyone's serious, it's fun.

The Family RP is ok if you have good super admins.

Otherwise, Don't host one.

Jail RP isn't good unless you make the criminal weapons hard to get, not an unlimited stash of rockets in the toilet.

Family RPs are only fun if you go in, make an awesome looking house, and watch everyone beg to live in it.

Space RPs are good on non slate maps like the Build a Space Station map or Planets.

Army RPs can get boring easily without occasional terrorist attacks or out of base missions.

Island RPs are pretty cool if you use a good map or a good built/evented island.

RPs usually based off movies or directly off another game tend to suck.

Medieval RP(G)s are just click click click, and are dumb unless the build is really good and has tons of cool stuff hidden in it.

Camping RP is good in dark maps, but spam comes quite often if you used a map such as slopes dark, and most people tend to make giant huts instead of tents.