
is it a good idea?

yea its great!
2 (25%)
its ok
0 (0%)
kinda crappy
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
i dont give crap about it
3 (37.5%)
give me a cookie!
3 (37.5%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Author Topic: ACR  (Read 2493 times)

hey people can somebody make a ACR plz im not rly a fan of mw2 but it would be great if some one made it and plz vote
« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 06:17:31 PM by the epic pwner »

hey people can somebody make a ACR plz im not rly a fan of mw2 but it would be great if some one made it

That doesn't matter, MW2 didn't event the gun so if you like it, it doesn't mean you are a fan of the game that featured it.

It would be OK, I haven't seen an ACR on blockland.

That doesn't matter, MW2 didn't event the gun so if you like it, it doesn't mean you are a fan of the game that featured it.
What? You people are just desperate to come up with any stupid reason to yell at people who like MW2.

While the gun looks cool it'll probably end up generic or worse, how it is in MW2 and fire a thousand rounds in a second

While the gun looks cool it'll probably end up generic or worse, how it is in MW2 and fire a thousand rounds in a second
i get what you mean

HellsHero has an HK417. HK417 looks a lot like the ACR.

HellsHero has an HK417. HK417 looks a lot like the ACR.
not really i have the hk417  its not reallly alike

I thought you were talking about A.R.C. for a second :D

I thought you were talking about A.R.C. for a second :D
dont even mention that

dont even mention that
"He makes fun of me and I don't get why he hates everyone."

"He makes fun of me and I don't get why he hates everyone."
i know he's such a noob

What? You people are just desperate to come up with any stupid reason to yell at people who like MW2.

What? I was just saying he didn't HAVE to say he wasn't a fan of MW2 just because that gun is in it, I don't care if he likes it or not, I'm not yelling, and I'm against the whole MW2 argument, but do you have to just go all out on me when you don't even know the whole reason behind my comment?

And who are "You people", as I said before, I'm not apart of "Them".