Author Topic: Client_HonorMining GUI.  (Read 3426 times)

Client_HonorMining GUI. V1.5

This is just a GUI to make your game play experience more fun and easier.
Good luck and i don't got much to say..

OH! and this GUI will work with some different servers.


Like what other servers?

What Is It?
I would think its some
sort of handicapped mining GUI.

I thought MunK already posted his on RTB.

I thought MunK already posted his on RTB.
I did... Apparently this is version 1.5. I don't know the differences.
Honor, You can just ask me to upload the updates...

I did... Apparently this is version 1.5. I don't know the differences.
Honor, You can just ask me to upload the updates...

Meh, I'm still gonna use the old one. I don't mine much.

wat does the green and blue boxs do?
 plz help me thx

ok its for unlimited mining???

How does it work?  :panda:  :panda:  :panda:  :nes:  :iceCream: :cookieMonster:

Never. Ever. Do that again.
You keybind it. Then, it's much quicker than using /cmds.

Wow. The Green and Blue boxes are special "ores" you mine. If you mine them, use the GUI to open them quickly and gain...stuff, like money, new pick levels, or more dirt.

Meh, I'm still gonna use the old one. I don't mine much.

Shortazn97 I suggest you get the new GUI.. It has Pickaxe Prize.. Which gives you a prize...

Shortazn97 I suggest you get the new GUI.. It has Pickaxe Prize.. Which gives you a prize...
Still, I play to build and stuff. Not mine.