Author Topic: Blockland Teamspeak  (Read 20748 times)

Is this still used? I tried the one and noone was in there, it just warned me that the server was old

Going to try it out.
EDIT: Downloaded it, I have joined it, Yet no-one is online :c
« Last Edit: September 28, 2010, 12:52:54 PM by alex dude »

I'm in, who's Sound Destroyer? lol

Also, reading Furlings chat again reminds me of Kahn from King of the Hill.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2010, 01:41:08 PM by skill4life »

ive been in for long time if your ever randomly on i always have a server running Named "BLOCKLAND TALK"

I think Cheemo is Cheemio.

I use thy magical internet chat software of which you speak of my liege!

I think Cheemo is Cheemio.
cheemio and cheemo are two different people.

Is this ever actually used or is it just a server up with 0 people connected.

Is this ever actually used or is it just a server up with 0 people connected.

Because nobody likes Kalphiter.

Look at his BL server too  :cookieMonster:.

I think Cheemo is Cheemio.
Cheemio is curiousblockhead5 or something like that and I'm Cheemo. Cheemio is a massive cigarettet.

It's there, if no one uses it, then it's not exactly my fault.

Hmm, yes.
Getting it right away.

Wait, so this works between servers? That might not work out that well...

Wait, so this works between servers? That might not work out that well...