Author Topic: Why is Blockland "Unhackable"?  (Read 7302 times)

I just don't get it.  Can't all games be hacked?  Why/How is Blockland unhackable?

I'm no hacker, and I don't intend to become one.

The game runs by connecting with a server called the authentication server.

If you don't have a key entered, the auth server tells Blockland to go demo mode or if you have no key regardless.

If you enter a key, Blockland will communicate with the auth server to see if its a legit key or not. If it is, it'll return the name of the ID currently and what ID it is.

If you have multiple people logging in on the same ID it will give you an Authentication failed error.

It's just not hackable because there's no legit working crack because its nearly impossible to hack.

I don't know wether it was an exploit or a hack but you could earn more bricks in the demo.

I don't know wether it was an exploit or a hack but you could earn more bricks in the demo.
Exploit found in the game and was fixed.

Keys cannot be hacked because:
They regularly authenticate with the master server. If you do manage to get a hold of someone else's key, there will be an IP mismatch, causing an authentication failure. You can't really pretend to be using someone else's IP.
Servers cannot be hacked because:
Everything server related is processed on the server. Things do not happen peer-to-peer.
The reason other shooters can be hacked is because of this peer-to-peer business.
Reason why damage hacks in MMOs and whatnot are possible is because they have to handle so many clients that they make the client process some of the actions, such as attacking and damage calculation.
The only way you could actually hack a server is to hack the computer itself. I'm sure there's something more sinister you could do rather than messing with their Blockland server if you pull this off.

Exploit found in the game and was fixed.
Memory editing.

because badspot is a freakin' genius. All games should be made this way. However someone with sufficient knowledge could probably get the full version to work but youll need to sacrifice your internet connection :P

Its amazing how all of the indie people make simple systems that stop there games from being pirated (Usually) compared to large company's like EA, obviously there security programmers are useless or don't honestly care. Always some marketing douche that comes up with idea's like SecureROM.

The console can hack people :O

The game is hackable.

i dont think someone snuck onto my server passworded and go admin without me and my friend not noticing. I was afking and i think he was eventing. Not sure but he got auto admin. Asked for super admin so i couldnt kick and ban him. Then he took over all of my controls and started deleting my bricks.

I dont think thats some sort of console cheat.

The game is hackable.

i dont think someone snuck onto my server passworded and go admin without me and my friend not noticing. I was afking and i think he was eventing. Not sure but he got auto admin. Asked for super admin so i couldnt kick and ban him. Then he took over all of my controls and started deleting my bricks.

I dont think thats some sort of console cheat.
Your friend told him the pass and auto admin'd, he could have done it before he was eventing. Also, you can Deadmin SA if your host. Also, If you were afk, how did you know he took control of you? Also, since you were afk, how did you know this happened?

Then he took over all of my controls

that's an easy console command

Blockland is hackable if you can get to the main server. The one that stores keys and other blockland servers.
Get passed that Firewall and you have the power of Badspot, and all the keys in it.

But im pretty sure that its gaurded pretty well and very secure, so forget about it.

Blockland is hackable if you can get to the main server. The one that stores keys and other blockland servers.
Get passed that Firewall and you have the power of Badspot, and all the keys in it.
You obviously don't understand what kind of firewall it is.

You obviously don't understand what kind of firewall it is.
A loving bad-ass Firewall. With 20 other layers with guns and lasers. Amirite?