Author Topic: block mad202 - Spammer and probably an alt.  (Read 3521 times)

Either this guy is a huge idiot or an alt. Either way, he's spamming emotes and making stuffty topics.

We need an IP check here.


I beat you to it.

Drama these last few minutes have gone mad with quotes and stuff and this link and whatnots. do u spam anyway

Yeah I know. I got the warning but didn't look at what was posted. Oh well.

Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.

Drama these last few minutes have gone mad with quotes and stuff and this link and whatnots.

Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post. do u spam anyway
By being you.

left alt

You are totally the alternative user of a banned user.

Here's why.

You have an inconsistancy in your posts.

You claim you don't own the game, saying you need 20 pounds to pay for it. Yet your avatar is a blockhead. How would you have an avatar that is from a game you don't own? Why? Because you have it and you are an alt. I did a tineye search and your avatar isn't off of google images or anything, meaning you made it.

Now, since we know you are an alt, tell us who you really are.

He could have the demo. But I still think he's an alt.

He could have the demo. But I still think he's an alt.

Is it just me or are we three the only ones in this drama section posting.

Is it just me or are we three the only ones in this drama section posting.
Chrono and block as well but they not as much.