Author Topic: Radial543- What happen to him?  (Read 4523 times)

Hi, I am Radial543. Someone notified me of this topic and I decided to check it out.
Before I craft my main post, let me clear up some fallacies and questions posted prior:

Maybe he has an alt that he currently uses.
This was my alternate account for a couple posts a while back. I created it for numerous reasons. Other than the present, I am not active on these forums, and never will be. If you are drama-hungry enough to want proof, there are many users on this forum who will vouch.

He left because "He was being targeted because he is Religious"

Which is complete Bull stuff because whenever someone made a Religion Joke. he would Flip the forget out.
What the hell? None of this is true, it just proves that you're dumb as a loving rock for making up lies about someone to look cool. It blows my mind how idiotic you really are.

What a baby.
haha religious  friend
He was a creationist; good riddance.
Nice job jumping on the band wagon stemming from a post posted by a person who is mentally deficient. It really shows how you are always waiting to flame others because you feel bad about yourself.

He came into Armageddon's server and said
"Sucks Balls"

then left
No I didn't, I haven't played Blockland since I left these forums which was late spring to early summer of this year.

Well you seem to have issues with religion don't you. I have specifically talked with him about religion and he is not a die hard christian. He has his basically own sect of it and it is far from what a normal christian would think.
In a nutshell, this is correct indeed. I belive in a God, and I truly don't give a stuff in whatever you prefer to belive in.

He actually deleted everybody off of his STEAM friends list.

I don't know what happened.
That still doesn't explain the "removing all friends from STEAM" part.

I think there might be more behind this as well.
You are correct indeed. I left the Blockland forums and removed my Steam friends because I realized how sub-par the community was and how most of the members were immature and idiotic. It was a dead end for me considering that I took part in trolling everyone about religion, gays, and a plethora of other controversial subjects (truthfully, I don't care in what you believe in; I'm not on a crusade to change your views). I blame this on my immaturity at the time. Due to this realization, I left the community, getting my "Radial543" user handle purposefully banned (along with an IP ban). This strategy really helped me leave considering that I was literally addicted to these forums. I read every post in every section within a day it was posted for two or more years. After I left I pursued things that I always wanted to pursue but was held back by wasting my life on these forums. I went into kernel hacking, advanced Linux programming, and things of the sort. I met people who were actually intelligent for a change, and made many friends. This was a large improvement over what I was used to dealing with. I removed all my friends from Steam (aside from a select few) to not be distracted from what I needed/wanted to do. It was a good choice in the end considering I can get a lot more work done.

A lot of this led to my projects, such as my decals and BASM being axed, but it was for the better. I am glad I left. I would like to ask the moderators to not delete this post so that there is closure on the subject and people aren't making hollow lies about my leave.

Good riddance.

Tl;Dr: I died in a ballooning accident.

What the hell? None of this is true, it just proves that you're dumb as a loving rock for making up lies about someone to look cool. It blows my mind how idiotic you really are.

As soon as I saw this sentence I said to myself, "Yep, that's Radial all right."

Nice having you here, man.

I remembered he described to me over Voxli a while back how he was going to make this game that would be like Garry's mod and blockland on steroids.

Also, it seems Wizard gets payed 100$ for every Christian he pisses off.

haha religious friend
You are realllly starting to piss me off.

You are realllly starting to piss me off.

I like how my ninja got in right before you said that.

Sweet, 100 bucks for the Wizzman.