Author Topic: Mario Kart Game  (Read 9626 times)

i can't download cause you took off the click here thing

i can't download cause you took off the click here thing
no... you must have not loaded the page right

still waiting for the pix pls :(

i couldn't download it so someone else plz
sorry, i would but i got no download

Don't bother, It's crappy as hell. And I'm not messing.

mario7121 double posted. isn't that spamming?

Don't bother, It's crappy as hell. And I'm not messing.
Yeah.... I don't promote this at all, Ether would Kaje.

mario7121 double posted. isn't that spamming?
yes and theres something called bump, and thats what you have been doing for a while.

Don't bother, It's crappy as hell. And I'm not messing.
Yeah.... I don't promote this at all, Ether would Kaje. or mario himself locking now
sry for bump