Author Topic: THE SEARCH FOR ARC  (Read 29984 times)

I wasn't intentioning to freeze him, just shoot an ice projectile at him and possibly make him explode into chunks of ice.

Roll whatever to shoot the hell out of both of them with my rockets

Roll whatever to shoot the hell out of both of them with my rockets
You have to choose a number between 1-9 or 11-20 or else it won't work.

I'd think it better with me eliminating one guard and master stunning the other. So they don't set off an alarm.

Roll 5 for stealth elimination for Russian
I roll a 8 for stun attack
2 and 5

The second guard is dead and the first is stunned.
Now what?

(I won't be able to update for a few hours, just sayin'.

I'd think it better with me eliminating one guard and master stunning the other. So they don't set off an alarm.
True. I'm not exactly the one who's good at quietness or stuff like that.

dubble trubble

Roll 7 for shooting the stunned guard

Masterrocket get out of the way. Peeing on your foe will not do anything, you idiot.

Also, it would be VERY good if you could include the weapons in the pictures.

Roll 7 for blowing them up with my rocket

A couple of dumbasses overreacted to you being gone for less than a week so they decided to make a ripoff forum game.

So I'm not allowed to be on vacation?
Sorry I wasn't here to make fun of you people.


so now we have to end the adventure short because ARC is back? or can we keep going?