
The new character creator is sexy, yes?


Author Topic: EVE Online: Megathread - New Character Creator Out! Incursions!  (Read 31187 times)

Posting from EVE's ingame browser. =3

Lego got me another wormhole link so i'm on my way in my cov ops. Hopefully time to make moneys soon.

EDIT: Aah 44 jumps later and i'm in. Funnily enough lego I notepadded your instructions "The wormholes around 2AU from planet IX" and when I scanned the area around that planet(Which was tiny) I got 2 unknown sigs(Not duplicates either)! What are the chances!

I took an educated guess seeing as though one of them was around exactly 2au from the planet and picked the right one first time. Also, there's a nice route to high-sec and it is EXTREMELY quiet. I'll get my Drake mods tommorow in my Cov Ops and then it's smooth sailing from here on out. :)
« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 07:14:20 PM by Acid »

Like seriously.

Gonna maybe buy fuel now (my wallet hurts already), and some other supplies, then mine.

Would be fun to join you guys in that WH, but I'm a piss-poor newbie.

Besides, my corp wouldn't give me any support if I went into null-sec, they like to stick to high-sec mining and keeping out of wars

Piss poor newbies can be fun to exploit for slave labor.

The difference is that I'm not in incompetent idiot of a piss-poor newbie

I can't say this game sucks, But i can say that the tutorial makes this game way over complicated. It starts talking about stuff that it hasn't even gone over yet. So its asking me to find something called the Agent headline or something. And it didn't even tell me were it is.. Overly confusing.

If you pay attention properly it misses no detail.
If you want to play EvE you're not allowed to have lapses of competency, so get concentrating


no seriously, it's the hardest game to learn I've ever played. Or heard of. Don't feel stupid.

I can't say this game sucks, But i can say that the tutorial makes this game way over complicated. It starts talking about stuff that it hasn't even gone over yet. So its asking me to find something called the Agent headline or something. And it didn't even tell me were it is.. Overly confusing.

Haha. I remember the good ol' days. I thought a damage control boosts your shield because the tutorial doesn't tell you what it does when it gives you it. :)

Also, my 1 year EVE anniversary is on the 15th we should all get drunk for me. I beat the learning curve. :)

There was an eve online game on roblox back when I was there. It was pretty fun, cant imagine what this is like.

There was an eve online game on roblox back when I was there. It was pretty fun, cant imagine what this is like.

it's still there

There was never any learning cure in EvE for me, maybe it's because of my Aspergers or something

There was never any learning cure in EvE for me, maybe it's because of my Aspergers or something

Umm... We know that's a lie, because there's a learning curve for everything. You can't just know everything right when you pick the game up. It's not possible.

On second thought though... there COULD be no learning curve if you still absolutely suck at the game and haven't learned anything.

The moment I first started playing EvE everything came naturally to me, I can't explain how but I seriously had no problems at all getting into EvE, I barely needed the tutorial when I first started

The moment I first started playing EvE everything came naturally to me, I can't explain how but I seriously had no problems at all getting into EvE, I barely needed the tutorial when I first started

Okay now you're just lying. Everything can't just come naturally to you.