
The new character creator is sexy, yes?


Author Topic: EVE Online: Megathread - New Character Creator Out! Incursions!  (Read 30876 times)

Lol just tried to get on but it seems I have to pay for my sub again. Luckily though I also got an email offer for a 60 day sub for $20 :D
Be on in a bit Lego.

I will look into the corp when I come back from my hiatus in...er...January.  I am beginning something tomorrow in which I will be isolated from computers and other electronics, and then I head into Christmas vacation in another state.  On top of all that I just started a 45 day training module.  So yeah.  I will seek you guys out in early January.

Right, so I have defined my goals for the next two months.

1.) Get my ass in a loving Harbinger right loving now (or when I have the proper skills to fly one effectively). This is something I should have had completed long ago, so now is time I finally loving do it.

2.) Begin training for Abaddon once Harbinger skills are up to snuff. omgloveship i want one

Also mining op in or near Rens on Tuesday? :D
I'll have my Retriever fit then.

Oh and on monday I might go lurking some pvp near Rens. You're welcome to join if you can fly anything that doesn't all round suck. If 3+ people join then maybe we can try some spider tanking in cruisers or something, or not idk.

Double post. Ill be on most of today. Lets do something.

Edit: So I've recruited someone. lol
Had a chat with this guy on a trial account, convinced him to buy a subscription and he went ahead and bought 3 months. He sent an app to the corp I think. And he's willing to setup a voice chat for us.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2010, 03:33:26 PM by blaman »

Yay. I just have one problem: I can't make isk. :( I really should've done missioons earlier in my char's life because i don't even have access to level 2s.

Acid I'm on atm if you're getting on.

Incursion is out tomorrow, right? EVE Gate will have (corp) forums :D that'll be super nice for organizing corp stuff

Acid I'm on atm if you're getting on.

Sleep time for me. :(

Incursionnn loooks pretttyy

new corp mail about moving to 0.0
read it

0.0 seems like a good place to make money for us. we wouldnt move like right now or in a few days or anything, but eventually

Sounds lovey.
Btw lets srsly get a mining op going. I can bring a retriever. Kahn can prolly haul in a badger or something, another miner or two would be nice. :o
Also yeah I'll be mining a stuffton in the next few days whenever I'm on. Got down to my last few mil today >.>
« Last Edit: December 01, 2010, 07:12:21 PM by blaman »

I think I'll start recruiting newer players to train up and then we'll make an exodus into nullsec -_-

Well I think I shall be joining you if you move into null but for now...

Level 1 missions in a kestrel haha. Oh the nostalgia. I could use a caracal but that's a waste of isk for use on level 1s when my high related skills allow me to rampage through the missions.

Started trying to recruit people. got one guy that'll 90% sure join us on the weekend if we have a mining op/any sort of op really. He'll come meet us and join up :) i'm just going to try to get one (or maybe two if I have a while) person/people to join a day, and soon we'll have a good member base. If either of you want to help recruit, I might give little bonuses like 1mil per recruit or something. The corp description has been updated with some recruitment info. Right now just recruit miners, I want to have a good industrial backbone. It's late and I don't really have time to type anything so I'll probably send a mail with more info tomorrow

Oh and I spent like 25mil-ish yesterday buying skillbooks and a few ships for a corporate hangar in Rydinnjorn (or something). It's our Recruitment Office. It's in a newb system that's alright for recruiting (look for people that are in the corp that owns the station there - i set my standings to that corp blue so i could find them easier. the corp is a newbcorp).

Oh and Acid and blaman, you can be the first 2 Kuor Collective council members. I'll make that official tomorrow :) since we're expanding we'll have decisions to make so it's time to put leadership in to place


Could I be head of PvP? :o I would love to try my hand at actual voice FCing.