
The new character creator is sexy, yes?


Author Topic: EVE Online: Megathread - New Character Creator Out! Incursions!  (Read 30868 times)

got some notifications about a pos bein shot ): acid whats up bro

oo! oo! i have a stupid question!

what the heck is a POS

Player Owned Station.
Acid built a station, it got shot up. :c

Player Owned Station.
Acid built a station, it got shot up. :c

When i attacked the people I shouted into local: "RUN POS, THEY'RE DISTRACTED" but it just stayed there. wtf

When i attacked the people I shouted into local: "RUN POS, THEY'RE DISTRACTED" but it just stayed there. wtf

lmfao. science can't explain this.

what does a station do?

It increases your cool levels by 4% per day. It also acts as a nice manufacturing center and you can use it as a base of operations in areas such as W-Space (wormhole space) like Acid was using his.

Hi guys. I've decided that due to the combined nature of you guys living in America and you guys being mostly industrial i'm leaving. :c Joining up with a friend's corp to try out some Black Ops pvp action and wormhole stuffs. If you ever get decced or anything call me and i'll help you out as much as I can (Yay lone Battlecruiser vs Battleships) but you have slong anyway and he has a lot of freinds hehe. I also stole 18mill out of the corp wallet. :trollface:

Good luck. o7

Yeah, I mailed you yesterday about that 18mil. I will hunt you down >:(

I do understand why you're leaving though though, i'm almost never on the same time as you are. Also got a mail from slong today saying he's leaving for a more active minmatar mission corp *tear* stuff's fallin apart

send the money back and you won't have to worry

Worry about you mining my ship? lol industrialist. But really when i get some spare money I give you more back heh.

Worry about you mining my ship? lol industrialist. But really when i get some spare money I give you more back heh.

k bro
if you think i only fly mining ships thats cool ;)

Well yeah but I have a year of skill training and plenty of experience in pvp. ;) I'm just sayin'.