
The new character creator is sexy, yes?


Author Topic: EVE Online: Megathread - New Character Creator Out! Incursions!  (Read 31090 times)

Well yeah but I have a year of skill training and plenty of experience in pvp. ;) I'm just sayin'.

Jaarin's coming up on 2 years in EVE. I've probably been playing off and on for 3 to 3 and a 1/2 years. First year on Jaarin i focused on pvp. Eventually I left nullsec and went to lowsec, lately i've been mixing it up with industry in wspace and highsec, obviously.

Jaarin's coming up on 2 years in EVE. I've probably been playing off and on for 3 to 3 and a 1/2 years. First year on Jaarin i focused on pvp. Eventually I left nullsec and went to lowsec, lately i've been mixing it up with industry in wspace and highsec, obviously.

Oh lol

Fgsdgsdfsgdsgdfg doing anything in this game is so annoying.

Fgsdgsdfsgdsgdfg doing anything in this game is so annoying.

Yeah actually.

Me getting 10mill for ransoming a hauler in low-sec: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO19G8s6dzs   :D

"stop shhoting"

hehe. I almost caught another one doing PI aswell. I could live off of this :o

Bumpage. New character creator is out and incursions are taking place.

1.3gb @ 700kb/s = :c

Yeah it took me an hour and a half to download :o

EDIT: The lovey new me:

« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 04:27:05 PM by Acid »

incursion wooooo-
hold me

incursion wooooo- hold me

Oooo I might take part in that. >:D Also I just hit 10mill SP \o/

How did you get a pic of your avatar? Unless you print screened and cropped. in which case I don't feel like doing that right now.

im on tranquility server, is that like the american server or something like that or are there tons of servers?

becuase i want to get as far away from acid as possible

im on tranquility server, is that like the american server or something like that or are there tons of servers?

becuase i want to get as far away from acid as possible

You don't understand eve.
Tranquility is the only server, anywhere. That's the beauty of it.