Author Topic: How The forget Did That Happen? (Variant of WTFIT)  (Read 22733 times)

I SAW THAT TOO! IT LOOKED LIKE A DRAGON! Hold on, does anyone else think that's a dragon?
It's wings are it's arms. it is thus technically a wyvern.

It's wings are it's arms. it is thus technically a wyvern.
True Dat... Got a book on that stuff...

It's wings are it's arms. it is thus technically a wyvern.


I still don't know what it is. It can be found in BL_Construct every week or two, just flying over the map.

Fly up to it or shoot it.

I still don't know what it is. It can be found in BL_Construct every week or two, just flying over the map.


Jakman, that profile image is creeping me out :D

Your Welcome

It's wings are it's arms. it is thus technically a wyvern.
You are correct. I will try to catch another picture. soon.

I stayed on skylands for a long time, then Something happened.

The Lighting was the same but What the forget happened?

I still don't know what it is. It can be found in BL_Construct every week or two, just flying over the map.

failed rtb logo

failed rtb logo
I know, right? I saw it coming and was like "lemme build something"

then later I was like forget.

Each of these can be explained easily, and if you get all 3 right then you win!

(P.S. I did this, but Knigtmare kept trying to move my car.)

I still don't know what it is. It can be found in BL_Construct every week or two, just flying over the map.
I call lies.
Lemme check that stuff out.

I stayed on skylands for a long time, then Something happened.

The Lighting was the same but What the forget happened?
Stranded game mode  hurr
when it says night at the clock it changes the lighting