
Are we dead? Should we be revived?

Yes, Yes
Yes, No
No, Yes
No, No

Author Topic: ►Excel - I think we am deaded  (Read 84570 times)

I've decided to take people's advice a little.

I'll be temporarily changing my avatar, to something different.

Just got back after a fun day of swimming. Gonna go tubing tomorrow. Some guys where flirting with me while I was out. :D
« Last Edit: September 04, 2010, 07:38:06 PM by .Aeris. »

Will you join?

Or are you still not able to?


4 more bricks for 5555
Rainbow is building a house.

I have my soon-to-be KC app.

And Rain's BMDB app.

Will you join?

Or are you still not able to?
No internet at the lake. My phone took a couple minutes just to load this page.


When will you be able to?

Tuesday at the earliest. But then I'll join your server if its up. I'll probably have a much better connection too.

I don't think I'll be able to host Tuesday.

I want to, but.
I don't know.

Bump and my weapons pack is 99% done! :D Went tubing today. Went for like 30 min straight. I only fell off once and I must have skipped across the water like 5 times. Oh and I got a bloody nose. :/

Bump and my weapons pack is 99% done!
How do you do that on your phone?

My laptops WiFi can't find internet but I still have it with me. I just post with my phone.