
How embarrassing was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

A little

Author Topic: Embarrassed?  (Read 13248 times)

Well, this was kind of a combination of embarrassing and hilarious.

In eighth grade, I was late to class one day, so I was walking briskly to it. I was turning the corner when my friend, who was quite literally sprinting down the hall, slammed into me at full speed. My binders, books, and papers pretty much exploded into the air, as did his, and I was knocked backwards about seven feet from where I originally was. The hilarious part was, and I still to this day have no idea how I did this, but probably about a hundredth of a second before he hit me, I involuntarily raised my hand, fist formed, into his solar plexus. He laid on the floor for about 30 seconds, unable to breathe. It freaked me out at first but when he regained his ability to breathe, we were both laughing hysterically.

Well, this was kind of a combination of embarrassing and hilarious.

In eighth grade, I was late to class one day, so I was walking briskly to it. I was turning the corner when my friend, who was quite literally sprinting down the hall, slammed into me at full speed. My binders, books, and papers pretty much exploded into the air, as did his, and I was knocked backwards about seven feet from where I originally was. The hilarious part was, and I still to this day have no idea how I did this, but probably about a hundredth of a second before he hit me, I involuntarily raised my hand, fist formed, into his solar plexus. He laid on the floor for about 30 seconds, unable to breathe. It freaked me out at first but when he regained his ability to breathe, we were both laughing hysterically.


I draw so terribly, so for 5th grade art, we had to draw a comic about the Boston Tea Party. Well, my comic was so pitiful. Everyone was silent, then I burst out laughing so hard. I'm the class's funny guy (And the smart guy...), so everyone started laughing. Once a day in school I laugh so hard I cry...


It would have been much more embarrassing had there actually been other people around to see it.

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

this topic would be win if skyler97 posted
aka snake boy

I don't feel embarrassment very strongly so it's hard to remember any times.

this topic would be win if skyler97 posted
aka snake boy

I'll help him.

Quote from: Skyler97
I was masterbating with a tuna jar and cut myself...

Early last year I was buying something from a vending machine during lunch, a girl was calling my name and tugged on my backpack. I started to walk off and she was still holding on so I fell with tons of people around.

I heard some guy pm'd the skylertopic to all his myspace buddies. Kinda sucks for him... :cookieMonster:
Well I don't know if this counts, but me and my friend, and this girl were all in an oovoo.
and she thought we both liked her (We didn't)
So when I asked my friend for some one's number, she start screaming
Than I told her
"When was this established" Seeming how i've met her that night (She goes to my school though)
and than she left the chat, and my friend and me bursted out laughing.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2010, 01:26:00 AM by MasterCookie »

Was that girl insane or something? :S

For a whole day in 2nd grade I walked around with a giant ass hole in my pants. Nobody told my, not even my teacher :O

There was a dance in 5th grade, and you could pay $10 to make a music video of you dancing with your friends.

Me and my friend were chatting and one of the teachers grabs us and tells us to do a music video with some mentally handicapped kids. And the girl that I had a crush on was watching me the entire loving time. I ran out of the school before I could get a copy of the music video.