Author Topic: nick=)  (Read 3223 times)

Well, Menen and I were in Jirue's youse server, when nick=) joins. I guess Jirue must have known him from somewhere or something, but gave him admin while he was afk. At first, it just started off small. Fetching everyone who joined, including Menen and I. Then used the destructo wand on everything. After saying that, ''Jirue will ban you when he gets back'' I get kicked. I join back to get perma banned, followed by Jirue. I guess after that he destroyed the whole server, and Jirue is still afk. He thinks ''srry' covers things such as ''srry i destyed ur bild'' or ''srry i band uu''. He is an idiot. Don't let him get your trust and become an admin at all.

I was there. And Jirue didnt know him Meeses, he was just some cigarette that joined the server and Jirue gave him admin just to be an Ass.

He also Spam Cleared everything, and started banning people who said things like "Poop" and "crap" and "lovey" and stuffs

It's not new that Jirue's server sucks because he makes the worst people admin.

I just got banned for the same reason when I went to the server for the first time... AKA at 1:47 PM

I saw Menen get banned first...

Stupid no drama edits

Banned him for 3 hours and unbanned everyone he banned.

Banned him for 3 hours and unbanned everyone he banned.
It's not going to save the server.
Plus things were already destroyed.

3 hours also wont cut it.

It's not going to save the server.
Plus things were already destroyed.
I never said it would. Jirue most likely saved before going afk.

3 hours also wont cut it.
I'm not sure why he is admin in the first place, so I'm leaving that up to Jirue when he gets back.

i dont see why someone would put a smiley on their name.

I never said it would. Jirue most likely saved before going afk.
I'm not sure why he is admin in the first place, so I'm leaving that up to Jirue when he gets back.
isn't your name nick... wait a second, it's all coming together now...

isn't your name nick... wait a second, it's all coming together now...
oh dear!

I guess I'm not the only one he has done this to...
Yeah right am I giving him admin.

I guess I'm not the only one he has done this to...
Yeah right am I giving him admin.
never give him admin or