Author Topic: So, Pacnet sent me some stupid message  (Read 11138 times)

Hey, he sent me another stupid message. (not fullscreen because was being moody)

Get him PM-banned for spam.

The child is at it again? *sigh*

 We must delete this anomaly, this child is a threat to the internet. 

We must delete this anomaly, this child is a threat to the internet. 

It will take awhile. forum god is busy eating his everlasting bag of chips.

Pacnet, just go. Your reputation is already in ruins. :I



We must delete this anomaly, this child is a threat to the internet. 

We must delete you noobs

We must delete you noobs

Yeah and you also are a threat to the internet,you noobs

I spent like 10 minutes watching OP's avatar waiting for it to loop

The child is at it again? *sigh*

The noob is at it again? *sigh*

Just tick off already!

I must destroy this noob ray threat to the BL forums.

Maybe if i act like your a uber idiot handicap i can get ya

I spent like 10 minutes watching OP's avatar waiting for it to loop


Im a dang noob i know nothingsd wsoidaiushfuhfawi blahh hbluha gusgtuwklqj1!

Your a handicap

Noob is not a word
OP's avatar, Look at it.

i agree it takes too long