
What weapon would you like first?

22 (14.6%)
7 (4.6%)
Machine Gun
20 (13.2%)
27 (17.9%)
Grenade launcher
9 (6%)
Chemical Thrower
49 (32.5%)
17 (11.3%)

Total Members Voted: 151

Author Topic: The BioShock Pack Need Scripters!  (Read 47666 times)

It started as an idea i had a while ago but now I have decided to start it. Before I start working on this pack Im going to ask the community what they would like first.
Everytime a new creation is completed another poll will be back up asking for whats next.

What's inside the pack?

-Possibly some AI
-Upgrading GUI

This will only be Bioshock 1 until this is completed Bioshock 2 things will begin.

How can I help?

Scripting, Animations, GUI, Modeling,

Where can i find info on the weapons and items?


Whats done?
Plasmid container: Model ready
Frag Grenades: WIP
Chemical thrower: Model done
Revolver: Model done:

What happens when the pack is ready for beta?

The Sinclair Soultions Production Team will get to test these items in the feild and take them home as a sign of their hard work!

The Sinclair Solutions Production Team:

aml: Modeling

spartan 101: Modeling

TheLegomaster: Modeling

Obibtal: Modeler

UnwrittenCalender: Modeler
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 02:28:21 PM by Vertigo »

This would be pretty cool if it works out.

I might try and join as a modeller.

I'd like to see some progress first before I join though.

BioShock Infinite Add-On next?
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 07:23:19 PM by MegaScientifical »


Booker DeWitt will take the Skyline to Saltonstall's agent, Charles, then use Murder of Crows on your ass. :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 07:39:25 PM by MegaScientifical »

I'd like to be a modeler for this. I've already started a plasmid container.

Pic of the unfinished plasmid container.

Well i started some work on the shotgun:

Still gotta long way to go :/
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 09:18:08 PM by Vertigo »

O_o Uhh, guys... I have a program to extract models and stuff from BioShock. I have all the models if you want to blocko-fy them. The only problems is you can't extract the animations and I don't have time to give you the program or explain.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 04:21:20 AM by MegaScientifical »

O_o Uhh, guys... I have a program to extract models and stuff from BioShock. I have all the models if you want to blocko-fy them. The only problems is you can't extract the animations and I don't have time to give you the program or explain.

Hmm is it a Ms3d file or Blender file?

Hmm is it a Ms3d file or Blender file?

.psk Unreal files. I use Milkshape to open them, but you should be able to import them into anything. Just need the import files for some programs.

I could try to make a plasmid container thingy;
Like Mega's avatar. Still got something else to make, though :o

I can try to throw some modeling in for yah,
i need something to do anyway.

I can model

I could try to make a plasmid container thingy;
Like Mega's avatar. Still got something else to make, though :o

I gotta set up a BioShock Infinite avatar, now. :panda:

Already saved your avatar >:3

Also: Almost 1/3rd done on the container.