Author Topic: My Gaming Build  (Read 2337 times)

My goal is to build a high end gaming PC.

I have been researching a lot lately to find the best parts.
I will be buying the parts one after another, building it slowly and posting pictures and updating here.

I am about to buy my case in 5 minutes. My case will be the Antec Twelve Hundred. It is 159.99 and looks great and has great reviews. What I was looking for here was a steel case with great ventilation. This case comes with that and more. It has 5 120mm blue LED fans, 3 in front and 2 in back. Then one large 200mm blue LED fan on the top. Each fan has an adjustable knob for Hi, medium, and low speeds. It also has 2 extra 120mm fan slots on the side next to the side panel that you can use if you buy 2 more fans. This is one hell of a case and I'd like to hear what you guys think about it.

My CPU will be the Intel Core i7-930 Bloomfield 2.8GHz LGA1366 130W Quad-Core. I chose this over the faster Core i7-870 2.9GHz LGA1156 mainly because of the LGA platform. As you may or many not know, Intel is coming out with a new series around January 11' and those will be 1366 based, and I'd like to be able to upgrade to one of those instead of having to buy a whole new motherboard. Plus, I can always overclock.

My video card chosen was the GeForce GTX 470 1280MB. I was originally going to buy the 1 Gig 460, until I found out it only supports Dual-SLI. I am disappointed in that because instead of replacing my things, I like to add on to them. Now, the 470 does indeed support 3 way-SLI, which I means I can buy one now. Then in 2 months get another, and in another 2 months get another. I better make sure I have the power supply though. Which I do, which I will explain what power supply I am getting later.

I chose 4 Gig's or RAM which I will explain later as well. I currently only want 4 gigs and I plan and eventually keep buying more until I reach my maximum of 24 Gig's. For no reason, just because it's cool.

I will update with my hard drives, power supply, and motherboard tomorrow.

I'd really like to hear some comments from you guys. I know some of you are real computer savvy as I am. So I'd like to hear from you intellectual badasses out there.

tldr; version: I build computer. It let me play games. Monies.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 07:27:12 PM by Cyanian »

Looks good so far although I would suggest going with tihs case
It's cheaper and I've been using it for at least a year and no issues with the top fan yet even though the reviews state differently.


Either you have an "adjustable no(o)b" or you mispelled "knob".

Looks good so far although I would suggest going with tihs case
It's cheaper and I've been using it for at least a year and no issues with the top fan yet even though the reviews state differently.
I did indeed look at that. The Twelve Hundred is really just a larger version of that.

The reason I chose the Twelve Hundred is because it is a full tower, and could handle those 10.5 inch video cards and such.

Either you have an "adjustable no(o)b" or you mispelled "knob".
Thank you, fixed.

If you guys could point out typos that would be great.

Processor link is broken.

Processor link is broken.

Thank you, fixed.

EDIT: I just ordered my case. What's really cool is that it comes with a free 585 Watt Power Supply. Not on of those PSU's I ordered with the case. It just popped up in my inventory, I was like :o

Although that's not strong enough in the end, it's always nice to have that as a backup just incase.

Plus, who gives a damn, it's free.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 07:45:19 PM by Cyanian »

2 things you need to now about building a gaming computer

1st you need at least a 3GH processor

2nd You need at least a 512MB graphics card

2 things you need to now about building a gaming computer

1st you need at least a 3GH processor

2nd You need at least a 512MB graphics card
Please, leave my topic.

You don't know anything about computers.

2 things you need to now about building a gaming computer

1st you need at least a 3GH processor

2nd You need at least a 512MB graphics card

I have a Pentium 4 PC at 3.2 GHz and a Core 2 Duo PC at 2.8 GHz. The Core 2 Duo is obviously faster. plus, his GPU exceeds 512 MB of RAM, and VRAM doesn't matter much anyway. So therefore, go away until you know more about PC parts.

Also, More on topic, all looks good, but I recommend getting a power supply with a higher wattage output, that way you will know your newly-built PC will have enough power, won't cause issues and so on.

2 things you need to now about building a gaming computer

1st you need at least a 3GH processor

2nd You need at least a 512MB graphics card
1. You don't need a 3GHz processor ESPECIALLY not if its a quad core. A Core i7 2.8 GHz runs beautifully.
2. Learn to count.

Please stop talking.

get troll'd
be angry
feel stupid

Also, More on topic, all looks good, but I recommend getting a power supply with a higher wattage output, that way you will know your newly-built PC will have enough power, won't cause issues and so on.
You think 1000 watts won't be enough?

Guys, check this out:

It calculates the total amount of wattage needed.

Mine will be around 550 minumum last time I checked, or around 600. Either way, I'm covered by a 1000 wattage.

Wouldn't a 750 W be good enough then?

Wouldn't a 750 W be good enough then?

Yes, but then I'll always be good even if I ever want to maybe buy 2 480's and put them in SLI.