Author Topic: I need some ideas.  (Read 2057 times)

Im making a zombie mini and you spawn on this road:

At the end your gonna walk through a gate into the zombie infested ________.

I need someone to fill in the blank.

Any ideas?

Anybody got any thoughts?

how about a haunted house, graveyard, abandoned town? i dunno those too original?

how about a haunted house, graveyard, abandoned town? i dunno those too original?

hmmm, maybe an abandoned trailer park

i need some more ideas

I don't know but if you're making a zombie game, the thing I hate about zombie servers is that you see the zombies spawn, they shouldn't respawn at random places. They should come from secret entrances where players can't get. And you could work with some kind of domination type of gameplay, when someone destroys a entrance, the entrance should be closed and stop respawning zombies.

How about a sewage treatment plant?


 Hospital? Or is that used too much?
 A school might work... Schoolwork kills >:|
 Graveyards are a bit obvious and oftenly used.
 RBow, I like you entrance idea. I'll support that.

Don't make the road so long. It will be hard to detail and you may get discouraged.
Try making higher hills, and make a cliff at the top so it looks more realistic. Nice use of the duplicator though.

Don't make the road so long. It will be hard to detail and you may get discouraged.
Try making higher hills, and make a cliff at the top so it looks more realistic. Nice use of the duplicator though.

A gay pride block party.

The mosque on ground zero.

A big snake

Two big snakees

A mountain with a snake in it

Something cool like a box with a lot of bricks in it that have emitters, something complex like that

Another big snake

A gay furry pride center

Walmart- with gay people in it

Gaymart- with wall people in it

A save that you got from badspot's server

Planet earth ; as it's being destroyed as we know it

A blank

More road

A gay furry pride center
Where is that video that says "Hellllll yeeeeaaaahh" when you need it?