Author Topic: I Lost My Dog :(  (Read 4492 times)

Pretty odd, a lot of cities have a "China town."

Edit: Thanks Littledude.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 08:23:53 PM by orange wolf »

Search the garbage bins?

ummm don't Chinese people eat dogs? O.o

ummm don't Chinese people eat dogs? O.o

lets give a big hand to the loving detective over here that just established that 4 pages ago.


This is what is happening to my dog right now I bet. :(

i would eat it.

meat is meat.
the only reason people ate cows is because they are large meat, and are slow moving.
they are not even close to the best tasting meat...

horse is x1000 better

I'm gonna walk like a pro right out of this topic.  Deuces brothers.

Found him


Found him
So why does he have a "What the..." faic?


So why does he have a "What the..." faic?


Cause he is all liek

How you found meh??? :O?