Author Topic: RTB Premium Service  (Read 16774 times)

Ill only pay a one time price like the blockland key.
Also ephi why not a key system like blockland?

No offense, but I think this has 1 of 3 outcomes-
1- Fail
2- Win
3- Starts out shaky and stays shaky along the way.

I don't see this working, mainly because majority of people wouldn't even be able to afford to pay for the service let alone a monthly fee. I think you'd be quite better off sticking up a donations button rather then all this "Premium Service". If you gave people some sort of bonus for donating then thats probably a better idea.

Overall, kids don't have money, let alone Visa cards to pay for anything. Rewarding people who donate may influence them to donate again.

I think you have a right to charge for RTB, if it is causing you to lose money for hosting.

I don't see this working, mainly because majority of people wouldn't even be able to afford to pay for the service let alone a monthly fee. I think you'd be quite better off sticking up a donations button rather then all this "Premium Service". If you gave people some sort of bonus for donating then thats probably a better idea.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the whole idea?

I think I've pretty much discarded the idea of a monthly fee - it doesn't seem worth all the work involved in getting something like that setup and I don't think there are many people who would be inclined/able to use it.

Some people have suggested just scrapping the idea and making a donation option. I'm not a huge fan of donations - donations should be for when someone needs the money and I certainly don't. I want people to feel they're getting value out of RTB Premium if they pay for it.

Other people seem to be misinterpreting some of the benefits of RTB Premium so I'm going to try and clarify real quick.

1. You will be able to store up to 1GB of saves/screenshots within the save repository feature. If you want extra space and the ability to save revisions of your saves, you need to get RTB Premium.

2. Chat rooms on the RTB Connect service would probably be limited to paying users. The main reason for this is that I want to keep the number of rooms to a minimum - otherwise we see a situation where there are 1000 users online all sitting in their own rooms and you don't get the sort of "rise" in popular rooms that you would get if rooms were harder to make.

3. Extra credits for the RTB API (when it's up) could be obtained through RTB Premium.

4. Everything else RTB provides will be free, as usual.

I think you should set a download limitation, like 15 - 20 downloads a day(or week(would be 50downloads a week))(working with IPs); unlimited for premium.
A download speed limit.. Premiums have the priority,
Captcha for non premiums(would be a bit like.. megaupload. So I think that's a bad idea, but I'm just giving you ideas),
and countdown before downloading.. like 10-20seconds.(same, megaupload but this is a better idea than captcha)

I think you should set a download limitation, like 15 - 20 downloads a day(or week(would be 50downloads a week))(working with IPs); unlimited for premium.
A download speed limit.. Premiums have the priority,
Captcha for non premiums(would be a bit like.. megaupload. So I think that's a bad idea, but I'm just giving you ideas),
and countdown before downloading.. like 10-20seconds.(same, megaupload but this is a better idea than captcha)

Why in the hell would you ever suggest such terrible ideas?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the whole idea?
Yeah basically, I dunno whenever I see Premium on websites kind of ticks me off. Usually means you HAVE to fork out just for a better service or even a usable service. Just my interpretation of the use of the word.

I'd say right on but could this service also include a kind of Add-on approval faster system, still waiting for my new map to be approved for 2 days now :(

Why in the hell would you ever suggest such terrible ideas?

Because it's not with 1 more GB space storage for saves/screenshots or chat rooms that you will have premiums.
I was just trying to help you with those ideas, but as I see, better saying nothing.

Because it's not with 1 more GB space storage for saves/screenshots or chat rooms that you will have premiums.
I was just trying to help you with those ideas, but as I see, better saying nothing.

I believe his point was that all of your suggestions involved downgrading the existing performance or user-friendliness of the service for the everyday RTB user.

There are ways to entice users to pay for the premium service without hitting them over the head with frustrating usage caps, wait times, and Captchas. I understand how one might compare the RTB service to existing download sites but it is important to note the differences between the two and why most of those sites implement user restrictions. Typical download sites, such as Megaupload, must serve thousands of customers per day which generates a considerable operating cost and the sites must make a profit off of it's premium subscribers. The company is under tremendous pressure to push users to purchase the upgraded service and so add annoying wait times and usage limits to non-paying members. Captchas are usually just there to stop bots from abusing the service.

RTB, on the other hand, is a much smaller service, isn't a profit-making entity, and doesn't usually fall victim to abuse by bots. It services a community that has little, if any, ability to pay for its operation, and is operated voluntarily by Ephialtes at his own expense. He has little to gain by restricting his service as your suggestions imply he should.

On a slightly different note, I've had no luck finding a game-server-hosting company willing to host servers for Blockland. Understandably, I don't think they see it as a profitable use of their time. So, I'm still interested in RTB offering a hosting service.

Correct me if I am wrong but no features would get taken away for the Regular Users, there would be only additional stuff for the "Premium" Users.

Correct me if I am wrong but no features would get taken away for the Regular Users, there would be only additional stuff for the "Premium" Users.

Yes. Premium would offer bonus features and would not impede the current user experience.

Correct me if I am wrong but no features would get taken away for the Regular Users, there would be only additional stuff for the "Premium" Users.
Yes. Premium would offer bonus features and would not impede the current user experience.

No matter what way you look at it, premium is getting features that regular isn't, which has already been listed several times.