Author Topic: Away At War 2: 3001 Movie [Released]  (Read 29261 times)

Wait a second....
What happened to his brother and nephew?
And how did you get that monster to work :o
The monster worked cause Peter pressed the button accidentally. And I wanted to put peter's brother and nephew at the funeral to show that they're saved but I forgot/was too tired to dress more people up.

How soon are apps gonna open for BEE?

We're not going to, we have enough people. We're going to be letting some people who we promised to let in a while ago too.

We're not going to, we have enough people. We're going to be letting some people who we promised to let in a while ago too.

Like who? Because of some reason, I hope to be on that list.
Not for acting. hurr.


Wait a second....
What happened to his brother and nephew?
And how did you get that monster to work :o

Yeah, we realized that we forgot about them at the end, but it was too late. We had no time to add them in. And that monster? That was a model DarkStar made, and we super-sized it using events and FCC or FFC. You know what I mean.

Like who? Because of some reason, I hope to be on that list.
Not for acting. hurr.
Some people that have acted in Achoo for a while, and were active in the server for a while.

Yeah, we realized that we forgot about them at the end, but it was too late. We had no time to add them in. And that monster? That was a model DarkStar made, and we super-sized it using events and FCC or FFC. You know what I mean.
i remember playing around with the rankor's playertype. good times, even though some animations were borked.

If we're on the subject of help with the next one:

I'd really like to be more involved than just the obscure voice actor. What I'd honestly love to do is direct; however I would understand if you didn't want that because Dark is used to all the editing and what have you (which I would also provide, assuming Dark would even let me direct. lol)

If none of that is possible, I'd love to help contribute to the next story.

So, as long as you remember, when you're strapped for a new idea for a BEE machinima, feel free to ask me, and I'll gladly try to come up with something, sign me on as a writer. But, if you're feeling gutsy and want to potentially give me the reigns on something, I'd be happy to let you take a break from the painful process of directing and editing for a film if you feel like it.

Yes you can definitely direct one. I'm kind of tired to direct another movie right now but I'd be glad to do editing and effects and stuff. I'll probably talk to you about this more on Steam.

Ok Swholli, time to make a pirate movie.  :cookieMonster:

Build quality rapidly increases near the end.... We got sick of bad builds xD When Dark puts his mind to it... he can build epicsauce.

I like the idea of more short machinimas... Like Doors of Perception...

Ok Swholli, time to make a pirate movie.  :cookieMonster:


That's be cool I suppose. Actually, that'd be something I'd like to do. I believe I was there when you mentioned pirate movie in the server, I'm pretty sure I was for it then too.

I like the idea of more short machinimas... Like Doors of Perception...
Yeah I kinda wanna make a film noir type short lol. I think Swholli you pmed me about one to be made into an animated short, but right now I'm working on that zombie animated short and after that I won't really feel like starting another animated one right away.