Author Topic: [Together]: Possibly the most relaxing Flash game ever made  (Read 2126 times)

Theres supposed to me some little piece of rock with another heart at infinities midpoint, but I CANT FIND IT!!!!!ASDFASDF

Okay. I give. Tell me how to beat this.

Yeah  theres some rock thing but cant find it eaither

When the beast comes I go SSSHHIITTT

When the beast comes I go SSSHHIITTT
it's funny because you have to let it eat you to win

We have to find the cliff from the beginning to win once in infinity's midpoint. I'm going to have to start a new game. and not travel right

This game is more annoying than relaxing.

God damn beast appears all the time and you can't get the damn hearts. >:c

where is the game gone

This game is more annoying than relaxing.

God damn beast appears all the time and you can't get the damn hearts. >:c

When you win the game just starts over :( how anticlimactic.

This game is more annoying than relaxing.

God damn beast appears all the time and you can't get the damn hearts. >:c

forget, I just beat it. Wow.