Author Topic: How to become your own grandfather  (Read 1859 times)

If you've ever wanted to become your own grandfather, in a forgeted up sort of way, take a look at this video and follow in the singer's footsteps.

I just heard a weird song... better make a thread about it.

I just heard a weird song... better make a thread about it.
No, it couldn't possibly be because I like the song and found it amusing. Therefore causing me to want to spread it to friends around so people can possibly enjoy it as well. That can't possibly be the reason!

I must say that took me a few times of watching the whole thing before I was actually able to understand it completely.

I was expecting Futurama.

Actually it would make him his own step-grandfather. :o

Me wife?
Sue confirmed as chick with a richard


lol da south suks cause dey forget der couzinz

ur so cuul

^butthurt south cigarettes

Go chase some kid off your porch with a shotgun, you
^butthurt south cigarettes