Author Topic: Night Fox's Best  (Read 22885 times)

Tables and chairs are made of wood, that doesn't man they are the same. :o

Hair and fur are two different things.
Actually, they are the same.
Fur is a synonym.

we do it because they don't learn, which is another reason to hate them

If either anyone who claims to be a 'furry' or anyone who dislikes them or their presence on this website, has not yet read and understood every one of each others arguments, they aren't going to, and you should stop trying to push words on them and drop it.

I have to admit, the people who are 'against' furries are as bad as the furries, at least when it comes to posting the same stuff over and over again and creating massive useless threads.
Both aren't seeing 'good' 'points from the opposing side and that's why they repeat the same thing over-and-over again.

If either anyone who claims to be a 'furry' or anyone who dislikes them or their presence on this website, has not yet read and understood every one of each others arguments, they aren't going to, and you should stop trying to push words on them and drop it.

furs should still keep it to themselves since they hate being flamed so much

Both aren't seeing 'good' 'points from the opposing side and that's why they repeat the same thing over-and-over again.
You're both (sides, not any one person) ignorant and won't change your opinions at all, so stop trying to change eachothers.

It's amazing, we finally have someone that actually can say that they don't care for others opinions...
1. No, not at all until recently.
2. Thanks for pointing the obvious out, has anything bad happened to the Twin Towers in New York City yet?
3. Somebody mad because I'm stylin' on their opinions?

Regardless of how many times someone says "i dont care about your opinions i am god :smug: " they WILL care about it. Only till they have to tie themselves to a chair and not even look in a thread will they not care about it.
Cut down some things.
My previous statement about not caring about your opinions was wrong, I would have to care or I wouldn't of posted, but I'm sure you already saw that.

You're both (sides, not any one person) ignorant and won't change your opinions at all, so stop trying to change eachothers.
That is what I said, but thx for repeating it.

That is what I said, but thx for repeating it.
Oh right, I didn't actually check to see who's posting what these last few pages.
Also, when disliking furries for how much they 'spread their furriness' or whatever, please keep in mind that most of the 'furry related' topics are started by 'non-furries', including this one.
Also, I see all kinds of annoying, generic, poorly typed topics relating to seemingly 'non-objectionable' content, that is way more loving annoying.
I hate topics like 'how do I get this girl to like me' probably more than 'what is your favorite housepets character', even though I more or less dislike furries.

Oh right, I didn't actually check to see who's posting what these last few pages.
Also, when disliking furries for how much they 'spread their furriness' or whatever, please keep in mind that most of the 'furry related' topics are started by 'non-furries', including this one.
Also, I see all kinds of annoying, generic, poorly typed topics relating to seemingly 'non-objectionable' content, that is way more loving annoying.
I hate topics like 'how do I get this girl to like me' probably more than 'what is your favorite housepets character', even though I more or less dislike furries.

thing is "how do i get this girl to like me" results in 5000x more lulz than 'whats your favourite stuffty furry comic'

wtf? why is everyone defending nightfox? i at first had some respect for him because he was from 'bama, but that went all down  the drain when he started shoving his special interest in everyones face.

wtf? why is everyone defending nightfox? i at first had some respect for him because he was from 'bama, but that went all down  the drain when he started shoving his special interest in everyones face.
Some people thought it'd be cool to get some rally against the anti-furry side.

Actually, they are the same.
Fur is a synonym.
In adjective form, they are. Fur and hair are two different things, though. While they serve the same basic purposes, they are different in themselves. Particularly in their growth. Fur is typically fuller, but grows to a set length, whereas hair just continuously grows. Fur also typically sheds while hair remains. Some scientists and doctors recognize them as synonyms, as they basically are the same thing, but there is a bit of a difference when it comes down to it. :o

Lileep is either a troll or a very ignorant person

thing is "how do i get this girl to like me" results in 5000x more lulz than 'whats your favourite stuffty furry comic'
Neither are actually funny for their original content, though the contextual, grammatical, and spelling errors, along with the discontented responses can be mildly entertaining.

thing is "how do i get this girl to like me" results in 5000x more lulz than 'whats your favourite stuffty furry comic'
I like Housepets!... :(