Author Topic: What ever happend to that Firefighter add-on?  (Read 1108 times)

Now, a while back (talking a few years ago) there was this add-on where you could set bricks on fire and such and you could put it out with water (like a firefighter)
but I'm hearing mixed stories about it like "it was banned" "taken off" and bla bla bla. So, does anyone really know what happened to this add-on?

Zor's old firefighting mod?
I believe it was failed, or broke.

I believe it was failed, or broke.
Failed as it caused too much lag (put fire emitters on every brick) I believe.

Man that sucks, that mod was like on of my favorite add-ons. Thanks though.

it would also give the burn't bricks a diffrent color if you use a diffrent color set

it would also give the burn't bricks a diffrent color if you use a diffrent color set
i don't think so, i think it looks for a black color, not in a color slot

 Wasn't there a fire-wand and a fire extinguisher, i remember that, that was something me and my friends would always do back in like v10 or something, ugh that was fun, and it didn't lag me at all the fire emitter wasn't that laggy to me and i was on a 5 year old dell that used to crash at 9k bricks. why does everything slightly noobish has to fail, some things are fun.

The Mininuke was the greatest weapon EVER, just because it lagged bitches with slow computers doesnt mean it should fail.

Thats like saying just because the Rino-V lags some people it should fail.

Thats like saying just because the Rino-V lags some people it should fail.
The Ryno dosen't have the explosion capacity to destroy 4000+ bricks in a second. The mininuke did.

The Mininuke was the greatest weapon EVER, just because it lagged bitches with slow computers doesnt mean it should fail.

It was banned for overwriting the rocket launchers base damage, not too much weapon damage.