Author Topic: Avast! Now in Pirate Language!  (Read 2281 times)

Talk like a pirate day is coming up, now to celebrate Avast! antivirus now has a Pirate Talk language!

Avast!  Pirates!

Edit: inb4nopiracy
« Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 07:25:35 PM by brickybob »

Lol, avast literally just popped up the message like 2 seconds after I saw this.

haaahaha win

also i thought it was sept 22?

Avast jetlok! Yar gonna be in fer some trollin'.

Arr, I be not yet aged enough to drink rum.
The laws of life be a harsh mistress.


Huzza fer septembre 19! But avast we not bein in school to show off our pirate spirit.